{{ per.name }} {{$t('Edit')}}
    • {{ per.sex }}
    • {{ per.work_age_label }}
  • {{$t('Current functions')}}:{{ per.pro_label }}
  • {{$t('Expected work city')}}:{{ per.hope_city_label }}
  • {{$t('Current company')}}:{{ per.com }}
  • {{$t('Current job')}}:{{ per.pname }}
{{$t('Basic information')}} {{$t('Edit')}}
  • {{$t('Date of birth')}}:{{ basic.bithed }}
  • {{$t('Contact information')}}:{{ basic.phone }}
  • {{$t('Email')}}:{{ basic.email }}
{{$t('Work Experience')}} {{$t('Add')}}
{{$t('Edit')}} {{ item.job }}{{ item.cname }}{{ item.statetime }} {{$t('To')}} {{ item.endtime }}
{{$t('Job details')}}:{{ item.context }}
{{$t('Educational experience')}} {{$t('Add')}}
{{$t('Edit')}} {{ item.school }}{{ item.zhuanye }}{{ item.educ }}{{ item.statetime }} {{$t('To')}} {{ item.endtime }}
{{$t('Professional description')}}:{{ item.detail }}
{{$t('Project experience')}} {{$t('Add')}}
{{$t('Edit')}} {{ item.name }}{{ item.cosplay }}{{ item.states }} {{$t('To')}} {{ item.ends }}
{{$t('Project description')}}:{{ item.context }}
{{$t('Language and skills')}} {{$t('Edit')}}
{{$t('Language')}}:{{ lang.lanlan }}
{{$t('Other skills')}}:{{ lang.plue }}
{{$t('Personal information')}}
{{$t('男')}} {{$t('女')}}
{{$t('do not wish real name')}}
{{$t('Full-time')}} {{$t('Part-time')}} {{$t('Comfirm')}}
{{$t('Basic information')}}
{{$t('Language or skills')}}
{{$t('Work Experience')}}
{{$t('Educational experience')}}
{{$t('Yes')}} {{$t('No')}} {{$t('Comfirm')}}
{{$t('Project experience')}}